February 3, 2014
- Call to order and confirmation of quorum: Call to order and confirmation of quorum. A meeting of the Board was called to order by Chairman Brenda Straw at the Eloy Fire District Administration office, located at 4010 N. Toltec Road, Eloy, Arizona at 1800 hours on Monday, February 3, 2014. A quorum was confirmed with members Brenda Straw, Edward Sauceda, John McKee, and Luis Ybarra present.
- Pledge of allegiance.
- Call to the Public: None
- Consent Agenda:
- A. Minutes of the Regular District meeting on January 6, 2014. MOTION made by John McKee to accept the minutes. SECONDED by Brenda Straw. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
B. Financial Statements. The board reviewed financial reports, reconciliations, statements, and cash flow projections.
C. Approval of Warrants. The board reviewed the list of warrants.MOTION made by Brenda Straw to accept the financial statements and warrant list. SECONDED by John McKee. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
- A. Minutes of the Regular District meeting on January 6, 2014. MOTION made by John McKee to accept the minutes. SECONDED by Brenda Straw. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
- Executive Session
- No action taken.
- Business
- A. Review, discussion and possible action on revising SOG 101.09, Attendance, Holidays, Vacations and Other Leaves. Fire Chief Coy Amerson discussed the proposed changes to the number of hours of vacation that can be carried forward at the end of the year. The amount of vacation allowed to carry forward would go from 80 to 160 hours for office employees and from 120 to 240 hours for shift work employees. MOTION made by John McKee to approve SOG 101.09. SECONDED by Brenda Straw. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
B. Review, discussion and possible action on revising SOG 101.09C, Sick Leave/Emergency Leave. The proposed SOG would increase the amount of sick leave an employee could take due to taking a family member to the hospital for a normal delivery. MOTION made by Brenda Straw to approve SOG 101.09C. SECONDED by John McKee. MOTION PASSED. (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
C. Review, discussion and possible action on entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Pinal County Recorder’s Office to conduct Board Elections on November 4, 2014. The county requires an IGA in order to provide voter and election services for the board election. MOTION made by Brenda Straw to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement with Pinal County for the election. Seconded by John McKee. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
- A. Review, discussion and possible action on revising SOG 101.09, Attendance, Holidays, Vacations and Other Leaves. Fire Chief Coy Amerson discussed the proposed changes to the number of hours of vacation that can be carried forward at the end of the year. The amount of vacation allowed to carry forward would go from 80 to 160 hours for office employees and from 120 to 240 hours for shift work employees. MOTION made by John McKee to approve SOG 101.09. SECONDED by Brenda Straw. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes 0 Nays).
- Reports and Correspondence
- Fire Chief Report: Fire Chief Coy Amerson presented his monthly report.
- Fire Marshal Report. Fire Marshal Bob Poindexter presented his monthly report.
- Future Agenda Items
- Future Agenda Items may include policies for DUI, Certified Interlock Devices, and/or Medical Marijuana.
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 1839 hours.